The gold standard in mediation training and conflict management training relevant to India.
To know more, please call Anubhab Banerjee at
+91 81011 41538 or write to
The Program
CAMP presents our premier IMI Certified Mediation Training Program in India, in partnership with Edwards Mediation Academy.
This program helps you become a qualified international mediator (IMI) and sets you on the course to become a certified and recognised international mediator.
This course offers an immersive experience with seasoned professionals at the helm who have been instrumental in shaping the mediation landscape. Through dynamic sessions that combine insightful presentations with hands-on learning, participants also get a behind-the-scenes look at a full mediation process, virtually observing every detail as if they were part of the conversation.
Learn beyond the textbooks. Learn through the lens of experience with CAMP.

Laila Ollapally

Bruce Edwards

Tara Ollapally
Highlights of the India International Mediation Training Course
- 75 hours of live and virtual training.
- Q&A with experts and reflective group discussion.
- 16 expert instructors.
- IMI qualified status.
- 16 live facilitations for role play.
- Online course divided into 10 modules and assessments.
- 6 month course access.
- Shadow (virtually) with Laila Ollapally as she mediates a case from start to finish.