
Mediation Advocacy

The true function of a lawyer (is) to unite the parties riven asunder.  

M. K. Gandhi

The Program

This course on Mediation Advocacy is created for lawyers who would like to broaden their practice by building skills to represent clients in a mediation effectively. Advocating in mediation requires a distinct approach from courtroom litigation, and today’s attorneys must be equipped with the strategies to succeed in this environment.

Using your legal profession as a foundation, this program helps you cultivate new skills that enhance your practice and offer greater value to your clients. It reframes what success means in the mediation context, providing actionable insights on advocating for your client’s best interests. While legal practices differ across borders, this course focuses on honing mediation advocacy specifically for Indian lawyers, regardless of their specialty


Hybrid (Online and In-person) class with various examples, case studies, role plays, group discussion and other group activities to bridge theory with practical application.

This is a 10-hour course typically spread over 2 days.

Best Suited for..

Lawyers, In-house Councils and other legal professionals

What is taught.

1) Differences between Mediation and Adjudication
2) Developing a deeper understanding of the Mediation process
3) Role of Advocates in Mediation
4) Preparing for a Mediation & representing a client in Mediation
5) How and when to recommend Mediation to your client
6) The Do’s and Don’ts while participating in Mediation
7) How to negotiate a satisfactory Mediation settlement for your client.